5 Digital Advertising Tips for Home Contractors Near Denver, CO

You’re good at talking up your home remodeling and design-build firm around town. For the most outgoing home contractors, word-of-mouth marketing works...for a little while. However, it may no longer be enough if you want to keep growing your business (or if you’re looking to expand into a newer market outside of Denver).

Ready to take the next step to grow your home improvement or home building business? Consider digital marketing and online advertising. Here, we’ll discuss 5 digital advertising tips for home contractors to help improve results and generate more qualified leads.

1. Focus on one market

One of the biggest digital advertising mistakes is trying to grow your business too fast by investing in multiple markets at once. Unless you are lucky, it won’t work out well. When it comes to ad spend, you’re better off focusing on one market at a time. For example, if you want to grow awareness for your business in Fort Collins just target potential homeowners looking for remodeling in that city. When setting up Facebook ads or Google Adwords don’t include Fort Collins, Boulder, Longmont, and more in your radius—you’ll just spread your ad spend too thin.

2. Create engaging content

Digital ads lead somewhere—and typically it’s back to your home remodeling or home builder website. What does it look like? Did you lead your potential new customer to a well-designed, functional landing page? Does it offer them any value? If not, then you need to reconsider your campaign. Create engaging content—like before and after photos, blogs, case studies, and videos—to include on your landing page. This will keep customers interested in you and let them learn more about the work you do before they make any decisions on home improvement.

3. Analyze your web presence

The goal of any digital advertising campaign is to drive traffic to your website and convert users to customers. To be successful, you’ll need to measure data points regularly. Without analyzing numbers and data, you won’t know which digital ads are working and which are a waste of marketing funds. Knowing the difference can help you optimize for a better cost per click—and save money on ad spend!

4. Build out a strategy

If you want to increase leads—and eventually sales—you can’t just throw together an online ad. Online advertising is just the channel that drives new customers to you—but how does it fit into your overall marketing strategy? Consider the big picture and build out a strategy to get a potential lead from awareness to consideration to sale.

5. Engage with current customers

Often, home contractors are so interested in getting new leads and new faces through the door that they forget their existing clients. You can use digital ads to remarket to past clients and customers that have already engaged with you in the past. There is an opportunity in your existing client base—you just have to engage with current customers to find out what that opportunity entails!

Beyond Blue Media: Denver’s #1 Digital Advertising Agency for Home Contractors

Need help building out your online marketing and digital advertising strategy? When you choose Beyond Blue Media, you’ll have the opportunity to work with a full-service digital marketing agency serving Denver and the surrounding areas. We work with clients to improve digital advertising, local search engine optimization, printed materials, and more. Our agency can provide for all of your marketing needs in 2019 and beyond. Take the first steps to a successful marketing plan by contacting Beyond Blue Media online today—or giving us a call at 970-691-6149.

Located in Fort Collins, Beyond Blue Media expands beyond our doorstep to offer digital marketing and advertising services to businesses across Northern Colorado. Our service areas include Fort Collins, Loveland, Ault, Greeley, Denver, Windsor, Boulder, Longmont, and the surrounding areas.


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