How to Use Instagram to Promote Your Local Restaurant Near Denver

As a local restaurant owner near Denver, you’ve likely tried your hand at a number of traditional and digital marketing strategies. Some work, some don’t—every restaurant has a different audience that responds to different marketing tactics. But, what’s one thing most restaurantgoers can’t deny? They love photos of food.

Foodies are inclined to see before they try—and Instagram is the perfect platform to showcase your chef’s best work. Here’s a mini how-to guide for using Instagram to promote your local restaurant near Denver (and beyond!).

Make your profile public.

This should be a given, but any business Instagram should be made public and easily searchable. Choose an Instagram handle that’s close to your business name, too. Avoid handles that are too complicated to spell or longer than 15 to 20 characters.

Use hashtags generously.

In order to be found my new users, you’ll want to use hashtags generously. Figure out what’s trending in your area and meets your target audience (for example, #denverfoodie or #coloradofoodtruck). Use up to 7 hashtags in each post to widen your impressions and increase your chances of gaining new followers (and potential customers!).

Take eye-catching photos.

Showing off your menu items is so, so important when maintaining a brand image—but they need to be appealing. Restaurants benefit from having a great product to show off—everyone loves food! However, you have to make it aesthetically pleasing and hire a professional to take some shots (or whip out an iPhone with Portrait mode) if you want customers to follow your Instagram account. Also, do be afraid to branch out and include shots of your employees, customers, or lifestyle—anything goes on social media!

Integrate Instagram with Facebook and Twitter.

Do you have more of a local presence on Facebook or Twitter? Integrate your Instagram with other platforms for a wider net of potential followers. Even if a user doesn't follow you on Instagram, they still might follow you on Facebook or Twitter—and if they see a photo they like, they may be inclined to follow you on both platforms.

Use Instagram ‘Stories’ for daily engagement.

Once you have a steady following, regular engagement with users is the key to success. Social media is social by nature, so people want to see restaurants and brands interacting with them like a friend. Use Instagram ‘Stories’ to engage daily by offering polls, and questions, or creating images that users feel inclined to share—this will help spread brand awareness, too!

Beyond Blue Media: #1 Restaurant Social Media Marketing Firm Near Fort Collins, CO

Need help with social media marketing for your local restaurant? Ready to showcase your best content online? These are just a few of our best tips for social marketing—and with more insights, our team can turn your local audience into raving fans on Instagram and beyond. We offer full-service social media and digital marketing in Fort Collins and beyond. Our team can help you create a basic, fundamental social media content strategy that produces lasting results. Contact us today online or over the phone at 970-691-6149!

Located in Fort Collins, we also provide full-service digital and social media marketing for local businesses and large-scale companies throughout Northern Colorado and specifically in the following areas: Fort Collins, Loveland, Ault, Greeley, Denver, Windsor, Boulder, and Longmont.


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