
How to Drive Traffic to Your Denver Website in 2019

Businesses across the globe want more traffic coming to their websites.

The reason?

More traffic = more conversions = more $$

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Image Source: MakeaMeme.org

Simple math, yet it can be very complicated to generate relevant traffic to your Denver, Colorado business website.

 In this article, we’ll break down some tips that you can be using to increase your online visibility AND drive web traffic. In some cases, you won’t even need a website to generate conversions for your business.

Crazy huh? Want to know how?

Keep reading and we’ll explain all!

EDITOR’S NOTE: I’d like to point out that these tactics aren’t necessarily specific for Denver business owners. In fact, they can be used for any city! The reason we’re directing this article to Denver business owners is to use a highly-populated city as an example for the entire article. So, repurpose this article as you see fit and let other business owners (just not your competitors 😉 ) around the world know about these juicy secrets for increasing web traffic!

Implement Local SEO Optimizations

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Let’s start with ground zero for driving relevant online traffic to your business. It’s obvious that Google is the first step to discovery online. It’s the most-used search engine of all time and there are over 63,000 searches per second of every day on Google alone.

Oh my! That’s a lot of searches!

Yes, it’s impossible to drive the most traffic to your website and Denver business without using Google. Google is the king of the internet for finding information, businesses, products, and services. Amazon is catching up with product searches though!

There are billions of websites online and hundreds of businesses in Denver. True, not every business in Denver works in your industry/niche or has a website, which is great when it comes to outranking competitors online.

What do I mean by “outranking” competitors? I’m referring to your business’s organic placement on Google’s search engine results pages (SERPs), also known as search queries.

Google has 3 main sections on search results:

  1. Ads
  2. Map-Pack
  3. Organic results
Dentist in denver Google search results 984x1024 1 / How to Drive Traffic to Your Denver Website in 2019 / Beyond Blue Media

Your business website will appear in the organic results on one of the many pages for a given search term (keyword). That is if Google recognizes that your website exists and is optimized to be placed in these keyword searches.

That’s when local SEO comes into the game!

Let’s take a look at a VERY competitive niche in Denver: dentists. Type in “dentist in Denver” (as shown above) and there are over 47 million results (website pages) that Google “crawls” and assigns a placement in the search results. With 10 organic results per search result page, that’s roughly 4.7 million search result pages… that’s a lot of results and data for any customer to filter through.

How many pages do you think your customers in or near Denver will search through to find the business they’ll end up spending their hard-earned money at?

75% of searcher clicks go to the first page results. The other 25%? Well, they mainly go to the next two pages and then start to dwindle like a star. A very faraway star in space continues to move farther and farther away.

Let’s just say that page one is where you want to be for relevant search terms related to your Denver business. The odds of you acquiring much traffic and conversions from ranking on page two and beyond is severely low, but not impossible. You will still acquire traffic from ranking on page two or three, but it definitely won’t be as much as on page one.

Welcome to the game of SEO!

All businesses are competing for page one and they all want to be in position one out of the first ten because position one in the organic results gets about 31.7% of clicks.

How do you start to rank in position #1 for local keywords such as “dentist near me” or “dentist in Denver”?

Update your website with local SEO optimizations that will make you stand out as the go-to business in your area for the products or services your customers are looking for.

NOTE: At Beyond Blue Media, we have a lot of experience dealing with local SEO in a wide variety of business niches, not just in the Denver area. If you need a local SEO expert to start driving more traffic and conversions to your website, select an SEO marketing package and give us a call today!

In 2019, local search results are EVERYTHING for small and medium-sized businesses.

Create a Content Marketing Strategy

Woman creating content on computer / How to Drive Traffic to Your Denver Website in 2019 / Beyond Blue Media

Content marketing is a type of marketing strategy that deals with creating, publishing, and then distributing and promoting content on your website. Content can include articles, infographics, white papers, statistics, videos, and so much more.

Yes, it’s taxing and takes a lot of time to create quality content that isn’t just another regurgitated piece on the internet. This is why a marketing team can do it for you so you don’t have to spend hours trying to create content that is SEO optimized, includes keywords you need to be ranking for, and is enticing enough to be ranking.

As a standard, the more creative, in-depth, and visually appealing the content, the better the chances of it appearing on page one of the SERPs! Content meeting or exceeding 800 words in length has been found to be the ideal content length when ranking in position #1 on Google.

This might seem like a leering task to create long-form content and publish it to the business blog, but think about the benefits of climbing the ranks for relevant keywords.

Another way to go about content marketing is to update your previously published content on your blog with new tips or up-to-date information. Optimize your old content or repurpose it and you can find it starting to rank for keywords that it wasn’t before.

Claim Your Google Business Profile Listing

Beyond Blue Media GMB Listing / How to Drive Traffic to Your Denver Website in 2019 / Beyond Blue Media

Since it’s quite challenging to be competing online with larger businesses or those that have been around for a long time, you might think it’s impossible to rank…

Never fear, Google Business Profile is here!

Google Business Profile (GBP) was introduced in 2014 as Google Places, so it’s been around for a little while now, but it’s still extremely relevant for driving traffic to your Denver business.

Google introduced GBP as an organic results addition to helping searchers find local businesses based on proximity and trustworthiness (reviews and ratings). Basically, it became the new go-to for Yelp and integrates perfectly with Google Maps for driving and walking directions.

This is one of your most powerful assets in boosting your online traffic to your website and eventually, your business’s front door! Also, it’s free so there’s really nothing holding you back from claiming and optimizing your GBP listing.

On top of this, you don’t need to have a website to already create a GBP listing. So if you’re currently waiting on your new website to go live, you can already have a GBP page waiting to go and generating leads!

Add Your Website to Google Search Console

Google Search Console homepage / How to Drive Traffic to Your Denver Website in 2019 / Beyond Blue Media

Yet another useful tool from the great and powerful Google is Google Search Console (GSC).

Notice how Google really wants you to use their tool suite to be ranking on their own pages and drive traffic to your Denver business website?

Google Search Console is an amazing and free tool that allows you to track your website traffic, keywords, and CTR (click-through rate) on your Denver business website pages. You can review various analytics and check your pages for potential optimizations!

The reason it’s useful for driving traffic is that you can sync Google search to your website and help Google to crawl new pages instead of waiting for Google to discover them (which tends to take a lot of time).

Promote Your Pages on Social Media

Facebook app Social Media / How to Drive Traffic to Your Denver Website in 2019 / Beyond Blue Media

Social media isn’t just for sharing updates about how the kids are having a good time at home while mom and dad are chilling in Hawaii, swimming with the dolphins, and wearing flowers.

Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest can be some of your most valuable assets for driving traffic to your website. It’s free to create an account on any social media channel and start sharing business updates.

Post updates for free about the new articles on your blog or any deals and promotions your business has. Get creative!

Advertising is another form of content promotion on social media, but it requires a budget and an understanding of your audience. However, the great thing about advertising is utilizing a CTA (call to action) button where you can send users directly to a web page on your website.

I recommend starting your social media journey by creating a business profile that includes information about your Denver business, where to find it, and any new updates you have. Posts that involve the local Denver community are the best for local traffic and engage users that are likely to interact with your business.

Start a Link Building Campaign

Iron chain links / How to Drive Traffic to Your Denver Website in 2019 / Beyond Blue Media

Link building is one of the more advanced SEO strategies that requires experience, time, and a fair-sized budget. Out of the over 200 ranking factors that Google uses in its ranking algorithm, links that refer to your website are one of the top considerations.

Essentially, the world wide web works similarly to that of a spider’s web. Websites are connected to each other and share information between pages, forming a network of resources. Google and other search engines scan websites for links between pages.

It’s a very large subject to be discussing here, so it will take another article to go in-depth about creating a link-building campaign for your Denver business. Just know that this is a very important ranking factor to Google when placing you in search queries. Find a marketing agency that has experience with “white hat” (<- you’ll thank me later for using this terminology) link-building strategies and reap the benefits of that new, relevant traffic!


There are plenty of ways to boost traffic to your Denver business website in 2019 but I can’t list all of them here (we’d be reaching somewhere around 10,000 words to go through them all). These are our top picks to share with you for driving traffic to your website, basically for free!

Either hire a team of marketers that know SEO and can implement it on your website or take these tips and do it yourself. Local SEO is a very valuable strategy for boosting website visibility online and driving traffic. If you hire marketers that have experience in local SEO, you should start seeing results soon enough because they know how to represent your website to Google and searchers.

Just remember, you’re not dealing with search engines online, but searchers (customers). Anything you do to your website should be a result of thinking about the user and how you can improve their experience with your Denver business website. They give the highest signals to Google. Their “vote” matters most.

Driving traffic to your website means taking the time to really think about how your business impacts the Denver community. What makes you so special and why should people come to you with their business? Consider what accentuates your business online that puts you ahead of your competitors and in front of your customers.

If you need help with boosting traffic to your website to start getting more business in Denver, schedule a call with us at Beyond Blue Media! We’re always looking to help Denver businesses of any size get recognized online and start acquiring more conversions. Our SEO and ads teams are very knowledgeable in driving relevant traffic to businesses in your industry.

Go BEYOND the competition and start implementing these strategies pronto!


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